
Alex has taught one-to-one singing at the Royal Academy of Music in London since 2007. Previous to that, he taught for several years at the Söngskólinn í Reykjavik. Alongside his teaching at the Academy, Alex is on the coaching staff at the Royal Opera House in London, and runs the Choral Graduate Programme at St John’s College, Cambridge, providing classes and workshops in language, staging and interpretation. https://www.sjcchoir.co.uk/choral-graduate-programme

Alex regularly gives masterclasses. Recently, he has worked with the scholars of the Oxford Bach Soloists, singers in Madrid and Burgos, and at the Alamo Baroque Festival in San Antonio, Texas.

As evidenced in this website, Alex writes about singing. This writing hopes for clarity, concision and coherence when talking, thinking or teaching singing. The writing builds on a wide range of research into learning, communicating and teaching. However, Intentional Singing does not aspire to dogmatic method, but rather to a perspective on problem-solving for singer and teachers: the aspiration in practice is for flexible pragmatism.