100x100/3: Chiaroscuro
Chiaroscuro: light/dark like a Rembrandt. Sound quality of premium classical singing. Bel canto ideal.
Oscuro is richly complex acoustic peak around pitch of sung note. Chiaro is singer’s formant cluster, acoustic peak at around 3000Hz. SFC known as blade, shine, squillo. “Vowel” distinct, third peak between the two. This actually true for lower voices, usefully true till near top of female voices.
Chiaroscuro indicates open throat. Targeting chiaroscuro automatically adjusts vocal tract, preferable to manipulation by singer.
Try singing vowel row, ng-ee-eh-ah-oh-oo finding and keeping chiaroscuro
Try intending chiaroscuro legato through phrase.
Try keeping chiaroscuro balance across C4 passaggio region.